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Expressway bridge artwork reflects local heritage

Expressway bridge artwork reflects local heritage


On the northern side of Bridge 8 at Te Horo, spanning the southbound lanes of the expressway, is Moteatea o Puti-Winiata, one of 10 pieces of artwork that have been etched onto the Peka Peka to Ōtaki expressway bridges.

  This piece is a lasting acknowledgement of the taonga tuku iho (treasure handed down) of the Puti-Winiata whānau. The section of expressway beneath the bridge runs through their traditional lands.

The land was originally part of the 27,088-acre (11,000ha) Ngakaroro block, first registered with the Native Land Court in 1865.  The block extended as far west as Te Horo Beach and is believed to have been named for the ngakaroro (seagulls) that flew inland across it. The ngakaroro in the artwork acknowledge the block’s history and the whānau of Moroati Kihiroa, the kaitiaki (guardian) of this section of land after receiving the title.

The land was eventually passed down to Moroati’s grandson, Keepa (Jim) Puti, who lived and farmed the land with his wife, Hinepuororangi Aute Winiata.  Hinepuororangi was known for her waiata, and the musical stave in the artwork is intended to represent her, while the tāniko border pattern is a tribute to Keepa, who was a kaitiaki of kākahu (cloaks).

Source: Express Connect, Waka Kotahi




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